Ninety patients (83.0%) had atrial ectopy (supraventricular ectopy [SVE]) 85 (78.0%) with rare SVE (0% to 5%) and five (5.0%) with frequent SVE (10%). Twenty-five (19.0%) had supraventricular runs, and one (0.8%) had atrial fibrillation/flutter. Forty-five (41.0%) had ventricular ectopy (VE) 43 (39.0%) with rare VE (0% to 5%) and two (2.0%) with moderate VE (5% to 10%). Compared with patients with none and rare SVE, patients with frequent SVE had longer disease duration (18.3 versus 4.6 versus 9.0years, P=0.0005). Patients with longer disease durati