Diagnostic specificity (ability to detect a COVID-19 negative patient) was 95.0% (95% CI 89.4-98.1%) for DiaSorin, 99.2% (95% CI 95.4-99.9%) for Roche and 100% (95% CI 97.0-100%) for Siemens. The sensitivity/specificity for detecting antibodies (ability of detecting absence (specificity) or presence (sensitivity) of COVID-19 antibodies) was 92.4% (95% CI 86.4-96.3%)/94.9% (95% CI 90.5-97.6%) for DiaSorin, 97.7% (95% CI 93.5-99.5%)/97.1% (95% CI 93.5-99.1%) for Roche and 98.5% (95% CI 94.6-99.8)/97.1 (95% CI 93.5-99