Renal echogenicity grading had strongest correlation with both serum creatinine (r=0.571, p=0.00 and estimated glomerular filtration rate (r= -0.349, p=0.006). Mean serum creatinine (in mg/dL) ± standard deviation was 1.9(±1.5), 4.0(±3.7), 5.8(±3.7), and 15.4(±5.3) for grade I, II, III, and IV echogenic kidneys respectively. Similarly, mean eGFR (in ml/min/1.73m2) ± standard deviation was 50.2(±22.9), 35.9(±4, 15.7(±13.4), and 3.4(±1.1) for Grade I, II, III, and IV echogenic kidneys respectively. Renal echogenicity is a better sono