Crystalline Cryptand[2.2.2](Na+ )HAT(CN)6.- ⋅0.5C6 H4 Cl2 (1), Cryptand[2.2.2](K+ )HAT(CN)6.- (2), (CV+ )HAT(CN)6.- (3), and (CV+ )HAT(CN)6.- ⋅2C6 H4 Cl2 (4) salts (where CV+ is the crystal violet cation) containing hexaazatriphenylenehexacarbonitrile radical anions have been obtained. The solid-state molecular structure as well as the optical and magnetic properties of HAT(CN)6.- are studied. The formation of HAT(CN)6.- in 1-4 leads to the appearance of new bands in the visible range, at 694 and 740 nm. The HAT(CN)6.- radical anions ha