Urodynamic studies were also performed. Regarding regenerated tissue vascularization, an upward shift was detected for some higher seeded density groups including the CD34-100/MSC30 groups [F/POC S- CD34-100/MSC30 230.5 ± 12.4; F/POC S+ CD34-100/MSC30 245.6 ± 23.4; F/SIS S+ CD34-100/MSC30 278.1; F/SIS S- CD34-100/MSC30 187.4 ± 8.1; (vessels/mm2)]. Similarly, a potential trend toward increased levels of percent muscle (≥ 45% muscle) with higher seeding densities was observed for F/POC S- [CD34-50/MSC30 48.8 ± 2.2; CD34-100/MSC15 5