how estrus (52.7 [n = 393] vs. 38.1% [n = 420]). Moreover, GnRH on Day 0 increased P/AI in cows with BCS less then 3.0 (57.1 [n = 723] vs. 48.6% [n = 698]), in primiparous (50.1 [n = 465] vs. 41.9% [n = 497]) and in cows that received 0.5 mg EC (58.9 [n = 723] vs. 51.3% [n = 727]). In conclusion, 1.0 mg of EC on Day -2 and GnRH at TAI improved P/AI, but the combination of a higher dose of EC and GnRH treatment at AI did not enhance this effect. Furthermore, GnRH improved P/AI especially in Bos indicus cows with lower expression of estr