844 (P = .0166), 0.787 (P = .0002), 0.746 (P .0001), and 0.717 (P .0001) for the CG, MDRD, CKD-EPI, LM, and FAS equations, respectively. The areas under the time-dependent ROC curve at 10 years also showed that the CG formula has a better predictive value. Postoperative eGFR at discharge were also significant predictors of long-term mortality (HR = 0.603, P .0001; HR = 0.725, P .0001; HR = 0.688, P .0001; HR = 0.673, P .0001; HR = 0.632, P .0001 for the CG, MDRD, CKD-EPI, LM, and F