The 5-year survival-to-revision rate was 77% whereas 5-year survival rate to total hip arthroplasty was 94%. The 1-year (87.4 ± 13.6) and 5-year (84.5 ± 13.5) mHHS scores were greater versus preoperative scores (46.3 ± 11.3, .001). There was a decrease in MCID rate between 1-year (n= 74, 87%) and 5-year (n= 61, 73%, = .019) outcomes. The 1-year (87.4 ± 12.7) and 5-year (89.2 ± 15.8) NAHS scores were greater versus preoperative scores (49.7 ± 12.7, .001). Regression demonstrated associations between BMI (MCID = .033; NAHS =