2% [95.5%, 99.5%], 96.0% [92.5%, 98.2%], and 86.7% [81.5%, 90.8%] respectively. The percent specificity (with 95% Confidence intervals) for the same categories in the same order were 59.5% [47.4%, 70.7%], 91.9% [83.2%, 97.0%], and 100% [95.1%, 100%] respectively. The area under curve (AUC) for diagnosing malignancy was 0.981[0.963, 0.993]. The ROM for the benign, atypical, suspicious of malignancy and malignant category were 8.3% [2.3%, 20.0%], 17.2% [5.8%, 35.8%], 77.8% [57.7%, 91.4%], and 100% [98.1%, 100%] respectively. The IAC Yokoham