The most frequently detected clones were the Southwest Pacific clone (CC30-MRSA-IV PVL+) (21/65 MRSA, 32.3%), the CC22-MRSA-IV TSST-1+ clone (11/65 MRSA, 16.9%), and the Bengal Bay clone (ST772-MRSA-V PVL+) (11/65 MRSA, 16.9%). The PVL genes were found in 59.2% (46/65 MRSA and 12/33 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus, MSSA) and tst1 gene in 16.3% of isolates. This molecular study highlights the high prevalence of MRSA and the large genetic diversity of the S. aureus isolates circulating and detected in two hospitals of Kabul, with th