4) μg/g, 378.52 (183.5-561.1) μg/g, 458.88 (252.5-593, 5) μg/g, and 518.2 (351.6-691) μg/g for the SG, OAGB, SADS, and control groups, respectively. There was a strong inverse correlation between EWL and FE-1 levels at the end of the first year (Spearman's rho = - 0.688, p= 0.003). After having performed PERT for patients with the lowest FE-1 levels, the levels increased to 683.39 (615.5-72 μg/g in the OAGB and 691.5 (643.1-72 μg/g in the SADS groups (p= 0.011). FE-1 measurements demonstrated that many patients suffer from malabso