8 meters, 95% CI 34.5-61.2 meters with pulmonary vasodilators), PVR [-3.1 Wood Units (WU), 95% CI -4.9 to -1.4 WU versus -1.6 WU, 95% CI -2.4 to -0.8 WU] and mPAP (-14.8 mmHg, 95% CI -18.2 to -11.5 mmHg versus -4.9 mmHg, 95% CI -6.9 to -2.8 mmHg). Cardiac index was similar and most patients were WHO FC II and III after their respective interventions. More complications occurred in the BPA arm. In conclusion, BPA and pulmonary vasodilators both improve 6MWD and hemodynamics in patients with inoperable CTEPH. While BPA may offer greater f