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Bookmarking your favorite websites on AOL is a convenient way to quickly access the sites you visit most often. To add a website to your AOL bookmarks, simply navigate to the site and click on the star icon in the browser toolbar. This will bring up a dialog box where you can customize the bookmark's name and select a folder to save it in. You can create new folders to organize your bookmarks, and rearrange them as needed. To access your bookmarks, click on the star icon in the toolbar again and select "Bookmarks" from the dropdown menu. From there, you can easily find and launch your favorite sites.

Bookmark Your Favorite Website - Easiest Ways [Update 2023]

Bookmark Your Favorite Website - Easiest Ways [Update 2023]

To bookmark your favorite website, you can see a start icon on right corner of the browser, just click on it to bookmark or dial our toll
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