09 [95 % CrI = 1.01-1.12]), rent burden (IDR = 1.11 [95 % CrI = 1.01-1.13]), urban tracts (IDR = 1.36 [95 % CrI = 1.05-1.77]), food desert tracts (IDR = 1.21 [95 % CrI = 1.04-1.41]), low income tracts (IDR = 1.27 [95 % CrI = 1.09-1.49]), percent of households with no vehicle access ([IDR] = 1.27 [95 % CrI = .247-6.47]), and percent of persons with a disability (IDR = 1.05 [95 % CrI = 1.03-1.06]). The racial/ethnic diversity ratio, however, was associated with lower incidence of child maltreatment allegation risk (IDR = .988 [95 % CrI