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The Job of Ayurvedic Medication in HIV Care: Bits of knowledge from Kerala
Portrayal: The job of Ayurvedic medication in HIV care is a charming point, particularly inside the setting of Kerala's conventional medical services rehearses. This article gives bits of knowledge into how Ayurvedic medication is used to help people living with HIV in Kerala. Ayurveda, with its emphasis on all encompassing mending and normal cures, offers a scope of medicines that mean to upgrade invulnerable capability and generally wellbeing. Key angles incorporate the utilization of Ayurvedic spices, for example, Amalaki, which is accepted to have safe adjusting properties, and way of life proposals that advance physical and mental prosperity. The article examines how Ayurvedic experts in Kerala tailor medicines to individual necessities, supplementing antiretroviral treatment with customized care plans. By analyzing contextual analyses and patient encounters, the article reveals insight into the commonsense use of Ayurvedic medication in HIV care and its likely advantages.
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Ayurvedic Treatment For HIV/AIDS in Kerala | Svasthvida!

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