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Ayurveda, the customary arrangement of medication in India, offers different medicines for headaches. In Kerala, known for its rich Ayurvedic custom, you can find particular Ayurvedic focuses that give medicines to headaches. Remember that it's fundamental to talk with an Ayurvedic professional who can evaluate your singular constitution (dosha) and tailor a treatment plan explicitly for you. Here are some broad Ayurvedic ways to deal with overseeing headaches:

Nasya Treatment:

Nasya includes the organization of natural oils or sedated substances through the nasal entries. It is accepted to emphatically affect the sensory system and can be gainful for headache alleviation.

Shirodhara is a helpful cycle where warm natural oil is poured in a constant stream onto the temple. It assists in quieting the sensory system and lessening pressure, which with canning be triggers for headaches.

Thalam is a methodology where a restorative glue is applied to the scalp for a particular length. It expects to adjust the doshas and reduce migraine related side effects.

In Sirovasti, warm natural oil is held on the head inside a cap for a specific period. This is accepted to soothingly affect the sensory system and may help in overseeing headaches.

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