一般适用于一个存期内利息的计算,单利方式计算利息时,上一期获得的利息是不能加入本金中再次计算下一期的利息。 鈔優貸的諮詢服務則是免費的,客戶只需在官網填寫諮詢表單或加入官方 line 帳號,即可免費獲得一對一諮詢。 現時銀行或財務機構提供多款私人貸款產品,私人貸款主要分為有抵押及無抵押貸款,有抵押貸款包括房屋按揭、加按套現、汽車貸款等,因有抵押財物作為擔保,借到的金額會比較多,利息也會較為低廉,而可借的最高金額會視乎抵押物的價值,而最後如未能償還貸款,會被借款公司收走抵押物。 Why would I make use of a loan calculator? Why would I use a loan calculator? Once you’re considering having out a private loan, amongst An important factors to find out is whether you’ll have the capacity to afford the every month repayments. Use this calculator for basic calculations of popular loan kinds including mortgages,